Grading and Assessments in E-Learning (Concepts)

In the video below, we talk about grading and assessments.

We grade students for multiple reasons:

  1. Assessment ABOVE learning (higher authorities are expecting it)
  2. Assessment FOR learning (we want to give feedback to our students learning and receive it back regarding our teaching)
  3. Assessment OF learning (we need to know what the students have (and have not) learned )

For a full discussion, please watch the video and contact me with any questions or comments.

References are also listed here for your convenience.

Harlen, W., & James, M. (1997). Assessment and learning: Differences and relationships between formative and summative assessment. Assessment in Education, 4(3), 365-379. Retrieved from

Peterson, E., & Siadat, M. V. (2009). Combination of formative and summative assessment instruments in elementary algebra classes: A prescription for success. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 16(2), 92-102.  Retrieved from

Popham, W. J. (2008). Formative assessment: Seven stepping stones to success. Principal Leadership, 9(1), 16-20.  Retrieved from


If you would like to learn more specific to grading and rubrics in Canvas, please see this video tutorial here: