Main screen with turnitin logo and Jason Johnston picture

Using Turnitin Directly to Submit a Document For Review – University of Kentucky

Note: These instructions are specifically for instructors at the University of Kentucky. These instructions may work the same for any institution that uses Canvas and single sign-on authentication (like a single user ID password for all web applications).


Canvas instructors can use directly to submit documents for review. This is helpful when a student was not able to turn it in through Canvas or when a instructor has not used Turnitin in their course but still wants to check a file. It takes a few steps to setup a user name/password for the first time. After that it is pretty simple to upload a document for review.

Here are the steps. Please also see the tutorial video below.

A. Authenticate Turnitin to your user name

  1. Before logging into turn it in directly, you will need to have created a Turnitin assignment in Canvas. If you have ever created one in the past, you can skip down to part B
  2. If you have never created a Turnitin assignment in Canvas, you must follow these instructions first and create your first assignment. You don’t need to publish it or create a real assignment, but this is how Turnitin automatically creates your user ID.

B. Create a Turnitin Login/password

  1. Go to
  2. Click “Login” in the top right, then “Forgot your password? Click Here”
  3. Then enter your UK long form (what I call pretty) e-mail address (not the one which is your LinkBlue)
  4. IF your long form name does not work, try your short form/link blue e-mail address.
  5. Enter your last name/family name on record
  6. Click Next
  7. If you get the “success” dialog, you should then have a reset form in your e-mail – follow that form to create/reset your password
  8. Go back to, click the login and then use your pretty e-mail and new password to log into your account

C. Upload The Document

  1. At this stage, you can either upload a document to a previously made class/assignment or create a new class and/or assignment in which to upload
  2. Results may take a few minutes, so grab a coffee then come back and refresh the page to see the results.

Tutorial Video: