Watch this video on how to make an inviting University of Kentucky branded webpage in Canvas (using the Commons): These are the steps that I take in the video: IMPORT – Click on Commons in Canvas – Search for…

Online Help for Higher Ed – Jason Paul Johnston
Watch this video on how to make an inviting University of Kentucky branded webpage in Canvas (using the Commons): These are the steps that I take in the video: IMPORT – Click on Commons in Canvas – Search for…
As soon as a teacher moves from an in-class presentation to online cross all sorts of copyright lines. An image that a teacher “found on Google” might suffice for a PowerPoint presentation with 30 students in a room, but as soon as…
Bloom’s taxonomy (as it has become) is a way of classifying educational objectives created by the educational scholar, Benjamin Bloom. This significant contribution came through his 1956 book “Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.” Krathwohl revised this taxonomy in 2002 and it is one…
An interesting, recent study on online learning trends asks the question “is online learning the future of learning?” Even without any understanding of the growth of this learning mode, most people I think would understand that it will continue to…
For students to be able to see any teacher assignment feedback done in Canvas (Crocodoc) it is important that they click in the correct place. If they directly select the turned-in document without first selecting “view feedback” they will simply…