If you talk with me for long about education, you will realize that I’m a big fan of Bloom’s taxonomy. Specifically the revised taxonomy which takes into consideration our new digital world. By moving students into higher orders of thinking, we help them solidify understanding and push through assumptions. Besides that, assignments and learning become more engaging and interesting. (Who really wants to just repeat back to a teacher what they have previously said?).
Bloom’s Taxonomy Resources
I’m always on the lookout for various ways to understand and teach the revised taxonomy. I just came across this great article, “Traditional eLearning is Dead” which includes the graphic below:

The article argues that traditional e-learning is mostly information dumping. If we want true, long-term learning to happen we need to move the students further up into the higher orders of thinking. What I like about this graphic (beside the fact that it looks great) is that it shows some select activities along with some Bloom’s verbs.
Bloom’s Verb Cheat Sheets (don’t worry, this is not an official test)
These “cheat sheets” are very helpful in developing lesson and course objectives/student outcomes. Click here for a great page that focuses on using Bloom’s for developing measurable objectives. Here is another great resource that works well beside that article (and looks nice in your office ): a digital taxonomy verb poster.

Moving Up and Forward with Bloom’s
I hope these resources help move your learning into the higher levels and tighten up your objectives to make them more meaningful and measurable. Let me know if you have any question – I would love to talk about it. Let’s move forward into better and higher e-learning.
Additional Bloom’s taxonomy resources:
My previous video talking about applying Bloom’s to e-learning
Krathwohl’s 2010 revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy